Ecologo-agrochemical characteristic of the trace microelements in the system of soil-plant in agrocenoses of Omsk Irtysh Region


  • Yulia A. Azarenko Omsk State Agrarian University named by P.A.Stolypin, Omsk, Russian Federation



microelements, soils, plants, Omsk Irtysh Region


The data on the content of microelements Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, B in soils of different zones of Omsk Irtysh region and plants grown on them are presented. The content of acid-soluble forms of Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, determined in 5M HNO3, in chernozem and solonets soils of the forest-steppe and steppe approaches the background total content in the chernozems of the south of Western Siberia. It depends on the content of sludge fractions, physical clay, the value of the cation exchange capacity. On the soils of the southern taiga, plants are deficient in mobile B, Mo, Co, Cu. In the chernozem and solonets soils of the forest-steppe and steppe zones, the mobility of the Cu, Zn, Co compounds is low (0.5-1.2% of acid-soluble forms), Mn (1.8-3.3%), B and Mo (5-13% ) is higher. The content in mobile zinc soils is estimated as low, Mn, Cu, Co as low and medium, Mo - medium and high, B - high. The level of trace elements in natural and cultivated plants is higher than in the southern taiga, however, a low content of Cu, Co, and sometimes Zn is often observed. In solonetzes and saline soils, excessive concentrations of mobile B are contained, which contributes to an increase in the entry of the element into food chains.


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How to Cite

Azarenko, Y. A. (2018). Ecologo-agrochemical characteristic of the trace microelements in the system of soil-plant in agrocenoses of Omsk Irtysh Region. The Journal of Soils and Environment, 1(2), 52–66.



Soils and the cycle of chemical elements