Carbon status of Russia and the dynamic equilibrium of the biosphere


  • Aleksei Vladimirovich Naumov Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia



carbon balance; indicators; terrestrial ecosystems; adaptation; criterion; concept


The article examines the acute debatable issues of assessing the carbon status of terrestrial ecosystems. The concept of dynamic carbon balance in the biosphere is substantiated. The fallacy of the notion that terrestrial ecosystems of Russia represent an absolute sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide is shown. In the light of the new concept of dynamic equilibrium of the carbon cycle, estimates of the annual primary production of NPP, CO2 emissions from the soil surface (soil respiration) SR and carbon content in dry organic matter are considered. In modern conditions, the ratio NPP/SR~1 is an important quantitative criterion characterizing the carbon status of natural terrestrial ecosystems. The relative stability of climatic parameters is closely related to the large capacity of natural carbon reservoirs and the mechanism of systemic adaptation of the biological cycle.


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How to Cite

Naumov, A. V. . (2022). Carbon status of Russia and the dynamic equilibrium of the biosphere . The Journal of Soils and Environment, 5(2), e166.