Molecular-mass distribution of humus acids of taiga soils
humic acids; fulvic acids; polydispersity; size exclusion chromatography; podzolic; bog-podzolic; arable soilAbstract
Purpose of the study: to reveal the influence of hydromorphism and agricultural use on the molecular-mass distribution (MMD) of humic (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs) isolated from the soils of the European northeast of Russia. To assess the influence of the acidity of the medium on the MWD of FAs.
Place and time of the event. The studies were carried out on the territory of the middle taiga (Maksimovsky station of the Institute of Biology of the Federal Research Center of the KSC UB RAS, located 8 km west of the city of Syktyvkar and the field of the Syktyvkar state farm, 5 km south-west of Syktyvkar, on the watershed of the Sysola and Vazhel-yu rivers) and northern taiga (3 km west of the Troitsko-Pechorsk station). The objects of the study were humic substances isolated from typical podzolic (Eutric Albic Retisol (Loamic)), gleypodzolic (Eutric Albic Stagnic Retisol (Loamic)), peaty-podzolic surface-gleyed (Eutric Albic Stagnic Histic) Retisol (Loamic Eutric Albic Retisol (Loamic)) soils. The soil sampling period is from 1 to 30 August 2014.
Methodology. Quantitative analysis of the MMD of HA and FA preparations was performed using liquid size exclusion chromatography (gel chromatography) on Sephadex G-25 and G-100 gels with continuous automatic registration of the optical density of the eluate (λ = 280 nm) in a quartz flow cell, K 9 × 60 cm column (Pharmacia, Sweden). Distilled water, 0.05 M NaOH solution, and Tris-HCl buffer with pH = 8.2 were used as the eluent.
Main results. Studies of the MMD of humic substances have been carried out. It was found that HAs contain three fractions with different molecular weights: ≥ 150 kDa, 73–80 kDa, and 13–23 kDa; FAs – two fractions: ≥ 5 kDa, 1–2 kDa. The low molecular weight of FAs, together with a large amount of oxygen-containing functional groups, contributes to their better solubility and migration ability in soils. The HAs of automorphic soils are characterized by a high content of low molecular weight fractions, and the proportion of the high molecular weight fraction in the HAs of the litter is 1.5–2.0 times higher than in the HAs of the podzolic horizon, which may be due to the migration of the low molecular weight fraction down the profile. The high proportion of the acidic low molecular weight fraction in the podzolic horizon promotes the decomposition of soil minerals and their leaching into the illuvial horizon. The influence of agricultural use of soils on the fractional composition of humic compounds is estimated. A sharp increase in the share of the high molecular weight fraction in the preparations of HAs of arable podzolic soil by 2–4 times compared with the HAs of virgin podzolic soils was noted, which is due to the cultivation of the arable horizon, the nature of the incoming plant residues and the increased microbiological activity of the developed soils. The effect of acidity of the medium on the character of chromatograms of FA preparations isolated from the main types of soils of the Komi Republic was studied. It has been shown that in the region of high pH values of the eluent 9–13, the absence of fractionation is associated with the association of FAs, a change in their conformation, and the effect of “over-exclusion”. Elution with distilled water (pH = 6.5) allows the separation of FAs into two fractions with molecular weights ≥ 5 kDa and 1–2 kDa.

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