About journal
The Journal of Soils and Environment aims to rapidly publish research about various fundamental and applied aspects of soil science. Alongside with a special emphasis on wide interactions of soils with the environment – the interactions ranging from biotic to socio-cultural and economic ones - the Journal welcomes manuscripts with traditional aspects of soil biology, soil physics and soil chemistry across terrestrial ecosystems. The journal provides the forum for discussing urgent issues in soil science, agricultural chemistry and soil ecology, as well as fundamental and applied achievements in the latter spheres that can benefit the nation. The journal primarily aims at distributing the fundamental knowledge about spatial phenomena, processes and interactions between soils and environment, based on the concept of soil as a major bio-inert body on the planet and, as such, providing a physical base for territorial natural and socio-economic complexes.
The journal publishes original research results and reviews in a broad range of topics which have soil as a main object. The topics include soil geography and genesis, soil evolution and development, soil fertility, soil remediation and recultivation, remote sensing, geoinformatics, soil changes under the effect of natural and anthropogenic factors, the effect of land use on soil ecology, cartographic modeling of soil cover, and others. The journal also covers some important international events in soil science and the work of international soil science associations. The journal publishes some contentious topics and welcomes hypotheses and prospective visions. Aiming to arrange a forum for various environmental aspects as related to soils, the journal on its website provides a possibility for registered users to post their comments.
The Journal of Soils and Environment open access policy guarantees maximum exposure and visibility of the published articles as anyone can read them without paying any access or subscription costs. The published work is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
Copyright Retention
The authors of the articles published in The Journal of Soils and Environment retain the copyright in their articles (except for any third-party images etc). The authors may freely disseminate their articles as reprints or electronically, if the original publication is fully cited. For instance, the published articles can be posted on personal or institutional homepages, emailed to friends and colleagues, printed, archived in a collection, distributed on CD-ROM, quoted in the press, translated or distributed otherwise, provided the full citation is also given. All articles published in The Journal of Soils and Environment are Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits the use, distribution, and reproduction in other forums, provided the original authors and source are indicated.